Free Business Case Templates

Business Case Templates are a set of marketing tools that aid the organization in the creation and review of business case studies. Many businesses use a template to assist in the process of determining if a specific project is worth the investment. If you’re looking for tips on developing your own templates or printable versions of these templates, read on.

Importance of Business Case Studies

The best business case studies are those that are designed to be used in a real-life setting and that clearly demonstrate the expected results of all of the steps and costs. This means that they should be comprehensive, detailed, and accurate. The end result should provide a complete picture of what steps would be necessary to realize a profitable outcome for the project, and it should clearly identify the targeted users, their preferences, their financial situations, their resources, their scope, and other important considerations. While it is certainly possible to use a business case study to demonstrate a point, it is also extremely important for the end result to be a realistic one that demonstrates the effective and beneficial use of the original concept.

Benefits of Business Case Templates

Business Case Templates can be tailored to all different types of projects, whether they are those that focus on software development, digital marketing, consumer research, or a new product concept. The key is to carefully consider the key benefits each benefit offers the client and then determine which action would provide the most value over the existing alternatives. By detailing the steps required to develop a new product or create a new market, an executive summary can illustrate how much effort would be required from the perspective of the client and what results might be realized if those efforts were undertaken.

Free Business Case Templates

Here in this post, you’ll grab some of our best samples of Business Case Templates that are available free to use. So without spending more time, check out these free templates below.


Business Case Template

Grab this Business Case Template from the below download button.

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Business Case Template

Grab this Business Case Template from the below download button.

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Business Case Template

Grab this Business Case Template from the below download button.

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Business Case Template

Grab this Business Case Template from the below download button.

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Business Case Template

Grab this Business Case Template from the below download button.

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Factors of Business Case Templates

Introduction Statement:

A business case template is essentially the entire story that describes the entire ROI for an investment. It starts with an introduction statement, then investigates the value of resolving it or finding ways to resolve it followed by details about the business case itself. Finally, a business case template can become a critical document for the project manager when preparing, designing, and reporting its results. Following are some tips on how you can create your own or obtain a printable version.

Executive Summary:

In order to fully understand the value or business impact of your project, it’s important to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of its findings. It should include a written executive summary. This summary is designed to answer the most common questions that would be asked by stakeholders during a financial analysis or another decision-making process. An executive summary should discuss the nature of the project, describe its market, give the business impact findings and explain how the project manager arrived at the final recommendations.

Most executives sum up their findings in one of two ways: recommending a solution or describing a problem but not suggesting a solution. Most executives have a personal stake in each recommendation; however, the key stakeholders in any business case will want to know why the recommendation was made.

Charts and Graphs:

Another way to present the business case analysis is through a series of charts and graphs. These visual presentations can accompany a written executive summary or they can be used independently. A key strategy for presenting data in Business Case Templates is to avoid presenting everything in detail. Instead, focus on identifying the problem, identifying the target customers, and quantifying the business value. In some cases, business case examples may provide supporting evidence to support each of these steps.