Free Business Meeting Minutes Templates

Download our Free Business Meeting Minutes Templates in MS Word Format to quickly prepare and print your Business Meeting notes easily.

Many nonprofit organizations use the standard board meeting minutes as a way to provide basic communication for their board members. Meeting minutes are a summary of a board meeting and provide an overview of activities that were discussed during the meeting. They also record the decisions and actions of each board member, including those that did not participate. Business meeting minutes are the official and binding documents of the nonprofit board; therefore, they must include more than just an overview of activities.

Purpose and Format Guidelines of Meeting Minutes

The purpose of the business meeting minutes is to provide concise information to the members of the board. The document center can include a space for the organization to add its logo, motto, and contact information. This is very convenient for those who need to take minutes and does not require printing. In addition, board members will have access to the latest information within seconds, rather than having to wait until they check their laptops or computers.

Meeting minutes templates usually provide the board with a bullet-point list of items that were discussed during the meeting. These bullet points help in planning the next business meeting and its agenda. A good example of a bullet point list is created using a spreadsheet program. It can then be converted into a standard Word document.

Free Business Meeting Minutes Templates

There are many websites on the internet that provide online facilities to create business meeting minutes. And when you don’t have any skills to make meeting minutes, then you will face difficulties. So don’t worry about that because here on this post, we have a collection of free Business Meeting Minutes for our users so that our users can easily access their required template for free and then make changes to it according to their demands. Therefore, check out the following examples below:

Business Meeting Minutes Template

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Business Meeting Minutes Template

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Business Meeting Minutes Template

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Business Meeting Minutes Template

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Business Meeting Minutes Template

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Business Meeting Minutes Template

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Business Meeting Minutes Template

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Advantages of using Business Meeting Minutes Templates

  • Most people prefer to use Microsoft Office Suite, as it includes everything they need to take minutes or make decisions accurately. There are business meeting minutes templates available that are based on Word and Excel. Depending on your needs, there will be an option to change the color scheme and design. You might prefer to have the fonts and style of the template similar to the rest of your office environment.
  • There are many MS Office examples that you can customize to your liking. You will simply note down the things you would like to include in your document center. Then all you have to do is copy and paste those details. Print as many as you need, but remember to keep track of the sizes so that you can easily reference them when making decisions at your nonprofit.
  • You can also get your business meeting minutes in other formats such as text, plain paper, PowerPoint, PDF, and HTML. If you are using a web browser, most websites have tools that will allow you to create a presentation. This allows you to use the business meeting minutes template to effectively communicate ideas and gather board members together for an important discussion. By creating a video or slide show, you will be able to reach many more potential board members than if you just send the documents over the board or in an e-mail.


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