Free Monthly To-Do List Templates [DOCX]

Here you can download these Free Monthly To-Do List Templates in MS Word format to use in your personal or public task management.

While realizing that there are tons of assignments to complete and getting overwhelmed and feeling exhausted is a very common feeling that we get from time to time, there are only a few people who actually do something about it.

For most of us, it’s the same practice of thinking of dozens of important tasks at the beginning of each day and we spend the whole day under stress and anxiety to complete all of them but at the end of the day, we end up postponing at least half the tasks on the next day. Then there is the situation where you forget about an important task until the time has already passed and you can’t do anything about it except to feel bad for yourself. A better way to handle these and many similar problems is by using a monthly to-do list. There are various types of these lists that you can use but the most common way is to use a readymade template that is available on the internet.

Here is a preview of a professional Monthly To-Do List Template in MS Word format,

monthly to do list template 01

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monthly to do list template 02

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monthly to do list template 03

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Benefits of using a Monthly To-do List Template:

  1. It allows you to plan ahead of time:
    One of the main perks of having a to-do list especially a monthly to-do list is that you can easily see how the days ahead of you will go and what you should do to prepare for upcoming events and assignments. For instance, there is a birthday party of your friend at the end of the month and you completely forgot about it until you saw it on the to-do list a week prior to the event and then you can purchase the gift in time. This is just an example of what benefits a monthly to-do list can bring to you.
  2. There are fewer chances of missing important tasks:
    What most people experience on regular basis is that they try to remember every task and in order to save time from creating a to-do list, they actually end up forgetting important tasks and assignments. This is very common among the individuals who have a full-time job and a family at home to take care. In order to try to juggle work and personal tasks, they tend to forget something really important i.e. grocery shopping before running out of milk and eggs or buying steak for a family dinner on weekend. These and many other tasks can easily be added to the to-do list and this way you can just take a look at the list and plan accordingly.
  3. You don’t need to remember everything:
    In order to fully understand the benefits of a monthly to-do list, you need to realize that there is no need to remember each and every task but you can just note important tasks down on the monthly to-do list. When all of your important tasks are written in front of you, it’s obvious that you won’t forget an important task either. For someone who has a full-time job, it might be a challenge to remember important tasks as well as trying to complete all the tasks without missing an important assignment. This is where a monthly to-do list can be very helpful for you.
  4. You can be more productive with the to-do list:
    Although it doesn’t make any sense but there are some researches that show people who use to-do lists tend to be more productive than the people who don’t use to-do lists. Basically the research shows that when you complete a task and you cross it off or remove it from the to-do list, it brings certain satisfaction and comfort to your mind. With more and more items getting crossed off of your list, your mind forces you to try to complete as many tasks as possible in order to get the feeling of achievement. This is only possible when you keep an actual list where you get to cross off the completed tasks.
  5. The same list can include personal and work related tasks:
    For arguing against to-do lists, some people claim that you might need to keep two separate lists for your work related and personal tasks. This definitely sounds like an overburden and it must be avoided. But the reality is that most of the monthly to-do lists these days usually have the option to use the same list for personal and work assignments. Most of the applications of to-do lists have the option to open up different sections mainly work section and personal section. This means you can use the same application across various gadgets without needing to keep two separate lists.